Job description

Travel medical technicians earn excellent compensation and travel benefits. Their weekly compensation packages vary based on the location and facility. They are also allowed to contribute up to $17,500 per year to a 401k plan. While the travel medical tech job description in Mexico might be slightly different from the ones of other countries, the job description of this type of travel medical tech is very similar to those of their facility counterparts.


The salary for travel medical technician jobs in Mexico varies dramatically, but the average monthly income is 41,400 MXN. These salaries typically cover housing, transportation, and benefits. However, these figures don’t reflect the differences between different careers. Here are some examples of salaries for different job titles:

A travel medical technologist’s salary will vary depending on location and the type of assignment. Generally, the pay is higher than the average salary in the United States. This may be a good option if you want to earn $1,800-$2,800 a week.

Travel medical technicians also receive valuable benefits. These benefits may include free or low-cost housing, health insurance, and retirement plans. These benefits may help them maintain a comfortable standard of living while they travel. Although these benefits may be expensive, they can be worth the money. Furthermore, a travel medical tech’s wage will be based on average rates and may include taxable earnings.


A travel medical lab technician has the same responsibilities as a facility-based MLT, but works in a different environment. These professionals perform complex tests that help determine diseases and illnesses. Their work often involves matching blood types and preparing specimens for transfusions. They also analyze fluids and perform other lab tasks. These technicians are often placed with a healthcare travel company. These healthcare agencies help them set up their travel assignments, which last around 13 weeks.

To work as a travel medical technician in Mexico, you need to meet certain requirements. First, you must hold a post-secondary certificate. Post-secondary certificate holders should have at least a bachelor’s degree. Then, you need at least one year of relevant post-graduate experience. It is also helpful to have experience working in short-staff hospitals. Secondly, you should be able to work on multiple benches, as many travel assignments are for generalists. In addition, if you have experience with microbiology, or blood bank, this can be an asset.


If you are interested in a career as a travel medical technician, you can find a variety of positions in this location. The same responsibilities as a facility MLT apply to a travel MLT, such as sanitizing the laboratory, matching blood compatibility for transfusions, collecting blood samples, and analyzing the fluid chemical content. This position is typically offered through a healthcare travel company. These positions require 13-week assignments.


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