If you are planning to travel to Cabo San Lucas Mexico, it is very important to follow a few precautions. The town is a hurricane and earthquake zone, but its average earthquake activity is quite low. There are no major fault lines close to the town, but you still need to be extra cautious and avoid traveling during periods of heavy rain or strong currents.

Drug cartels

Los Cabos, a vacation paradise in the Gulf of California, is a hotbed of drug cartel activity. The peninsula’s location on the Gulf of California makes it a crucial bridge between Mexico’s production of drugs and the lucrative American market. This has harmed the local economy, which depends on tourism.

The Sinaloa Cartel has a long history in the area, including funding local fiestas. They’ve also donated to schools, soccer stadiums, and churches. This is not surprising, considering they’ve been putting money into local events for decades.

Although the Mexican government has been waging a war against cartels for years, a new president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (also known as AMLO), announced a shift away from militarized efforts to apprehend cartel leaders. Instead, the Mexican government is focusing on regional security cooperation and reducing the rate of homicide. The new president has implemented a “hugs not bullets” approach to fight cartels, and has even endorsed an amnesty for low-level cartel members.

While drug cartels are active in many parts of Mexico, Los Cabos is a particularly dangerous place to visit. If you plan to travel alone, avoid driving at night. Instead, use Uber or a licensed taxi. It is also wise to use the hotel shuttle to get around town.

The majority of crimes in Cabo are related to drug trafficking gangs, but most do not involve tourists. Nevertheless, you should avoid dark streets and desolate alleys at night. Likewise, be cautious around strangers. Avoid giving your wallet or other valuables to strangers. Likewise, do not leave your drinks unattended.

Unlicensed taxis

While Cabo is one of the safest cities in Mexico, it is not without its risks. There is a high incidence of petty crime in the city, including pickpocketing, cell phone theft, and purse snatching. The city falls into the Level 2 category of risk. Nevertheless, there are some precautions you should take before going to Cabo.

Whenever possible, use licensed taxis. There are unlicensed taxis on the streets of Cabo, which can be dangerous. There have been cases of theft and assaults in unlicensed cabs. If you’re staying in a hotel in Cabo, the hotel may arrange official taxis for you. These taxis are more expensive, but are worth the extra money.

You can also take an Uber or a local taxi. Cabo is home to a population of 200,000 people, which means that Uber is widely used. However, it’s a good idea to stay within the tourist zones. In addition, it is important to stay vigilant when driving outside of tourist areas. Highway robberies have occurred in the city, so it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and make sure you’re following the rules.

Although Cabo is considered a safe city to visit, unlicensed taxis can pose a safety risk. While the overall crime rate is lower than most other border cities, tourists should still exercise caution. If you’re worried about safety, be sure to follow advice from the State Department and take precautions to avoid falling victim to crime.


Before you hit the beaches in Cabo San Lucas, you should know a few basic travel safety tips. First, never drink tap water, even ice. Drink only bottled water. Also, never flash large sums of money, and avoid walking alone at night. It’s also best to book excursions through a trusted source. Also, don’t go to secluded beaches unless they are marked as “safe”. Lastly, never enter an unlit swimming area without wearing a swimsuit.

There are several beaches in Cabo that are unsuitable for swimming, mainly due to dangerous riptides and steep drops. In addition, some beaches do not have lifeguards on duty. If you do want to swim, try to book a boat tour. Cabo’s waters are home to sharks, rays, and mahi-mahi. You may also encounter whale sharks. During certain times of the year, these sharks are close to the shore.

Cabo San Lucas is a popular tourist destination, but it has its share of dangers, including petty crime and pickpocketing. Fortunately, most of these incidents are drug-related and the area is generally safe for tourists. But before visiting Cabo, you should familiarize yourself with the local culture and know what not to do. Also, it is important to be cautious when traveling alone, and don’t flash expensive items on the streets. Speaking Spanish will also help a lot.

Getting vaccinated is another way to stay safe. The United States State Department publishes a list of travel alerts and restrictions, so you’ll know what to expect before you arrive. Fortunately, the Mexican Government has adopted a few safety measures that help ensure your trip is safe. You’ll find that health officials in Cabo do a variety of routine checks on travelers, including passenger screenings and anti-COVID sanitary protocols.

Traffic lights

Traffic lights in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico are not the only inconvenience that visitors might experience during their vacation. These traffic lights have a purpose. They help you stay safe. The new system of color-coded traffic lights is meant to improve the safety of the public. In addition to directing traffic, they also inform travelers of any restrictions on specific activities.

In Mexico, traffic lights are usually short. Instead of a long yellow or red light, they are typically only green (go) or yellow flashing. The green signal means you can drive through, but a yellow flashing light means that you must stop. Drivers in Mexico are legally required to stop at yellow lights.

In Cabo San Lucas, traffic lights are orange, red, yellow, and green. The color codes indicate traffic restrictions based on the state. Red indicates maximum restrictions, orange means a 30-percent limit for public places, yellow means all work is permitted, and green means no restrictions.

As the COVID-19 pandemic is winding down, more restrictions have been lifted on business and social activities. However, there is still a danger of contamination, so health authorities have urged the public to comply with the guidelines and use masks indoors. In Mexico, a red light means a significant increase in the number of cases, so you should avoid the risk of acquiring the disease by staying indoors.

Cabo San Lucas has one main highway – the Transpeninsular Highway – connecting all major destinations in Baja. The toll road connects Cabo San Lucas to San Jose and to the SJD Los Cabos International Airport. The tolls can be paid with U.S. Dollars or Pesos. Be careful – there are a lot of speed bumps and yellow road signs along the highway.


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